Brian Walks for The Maui Farm 2021
Congratulations Brian Sato!
MAHALO for being a champion of THE MAUI FARM!

Funds Raised = $26,574 (as of 5/10/2021)
Brian Sato completed his 178-mile journey around Maui on Sunday, April 25 at Baldwin Beach. He was greeted at the finish line by his co-workers and friends. THE MAUI FARM is incredibly grateful for his dedicated efforts to raise funds to support our programs and raise awareness of our services to help Maui families. Brian is a true hero!
About Brian Sato's Walk: His passion for The Maui Farm grew from his experiences working as its Facilities & Maintenance Specialist. He says: “The Maui Farm is a safe haven for women and their children. People of all ages discover the joys of gardening, meeting and caring for farm friendly animals and learning about how to care for themselves. At The Maui Farm they can overcome past hardships and other traumatizing situations. Here they can find support and empowerment. Here their children can play feeling safe and cared for.”

Brian, aged 64, has been committed to helping the Maui community, one step at a time, for many years. He has done similar walks around the island of Maui and successfully raised funds for organizations such as Hale Makua, The Haku Baldwin Center and Ma Ka Hana Ka ‘Ike. On his 2021 Walk, he was joined by fellow walker, Ali Cotsoradis. Each day, they started their walks by 5am and walked 12 to 15 miles a day to pre-arranged campsites. With the assistance of volunteers, their equipment and food was transported ahead to each campsite. Check out Brian's Walking Route below.