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Residential Programs


“E malama pono i ka ‘āina; nana mai ke ola.  Take good care of the land; it grants you life.”


The Maui Farm’s ʻohana model of farm-based, family centered programs is values-based, educational, and utilizes an experiential approach. “Activity is our therapy” is an effective strategy for teaching healthy attitudes and skills through hands-on learning. Children, youth and families learn invaluable lessons in the cycles of life, cooperation, stewardship, respect for all living things, and the importance of self-discipline and taking on personal responsibility. The Maui Farm also teaches and practices communication and problem-solving processes. 

Family Strengthening Program

The Family Strengthening Program is a farm-based residential program providing transitional housing and life skills training for women with children who are homeless or at risk of homelessness due to domestic violence and economic issues. With a focus on the whole family, the program provides opportunities for daily learning and application of healthy life skills and effective parenting strategies in a safe home environment, and strengthens families to remain intact and healthy.


Working in collaboration with partner agencies including Women Helping Women and other homeless services provider agencies, The Maui Farm’s services strengthen the continuum of care for struggling families. We provide a housing and family strengthening component after emergency shelter services have been maximized, and before families move on to long-term affordable housing in the community. The average duration of program participation is six to eighteen months. Shared housing is provided on-site at The Maui Farm, with monthly rental fees determined in compliance with federal HOME Program regulations.

The Maui Farm offers the opportunity to achieve outcomes related to parental resilience, developing healthy life skills, furthering education, achieving self-sufficiency, obtaining gainful employment, and transitioning to housing in the community, while ensuring appropriate care and education for their children. 



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Our Family Strengthening Program empowers families to develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills needed for healthy family functioning and self-sufficient living.  Services include:

  • Life skills training in healthy ‘ohana living, household management, and being a responsible tenant

  • “Akamai Parenting” training

  • “Malama Pono‘ī” self-empowerment classes

  • Farm-based experiential activities program

  • Support in securing employment

  • Coordinated service planning and resource navigation

  • Advocacy

  • Farm-based keiki program


As a participant of the Family Strengthening Program, each family is expected to participate in regular programs and services, which may include, but are not limited to: weekly meetings with Case Manager, the development of a Family Transition Plan, Community Gardening activities, Malama Pono'i, Keiki Club and Weekend Farm Kuleana.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants to the Family Strengthening Program must be:

  1. A mother whose children physically reside with them at least 50% of the time

  2. Homeless, at-risk of homelessness, or struggling to remain adequately housed

  3. Referred by a partner service provider (self-referrals are accepted on a case by case basis)

  4. Able and willing to live in a drug- and alcohol-free neighborhood, and pose no threat to the safety and well being of other individuals and families who reside at The Maui Farm.



How to Apply

Referrals are accepted primarily through Women Helping Women. Referrals from other community-based organizations may also be considered, subject to available space and at the discretion of The Maui Farm’s Programs Director. The referring agency is responsible for contacting The Maui Farm to initiate the referral, and for supporting the family in completing the program application. 

Please call 808-579-8271 if you have questions about the application process or program eligibility.

Apply for the Family Strengthening Program Here


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Job Readiness Program


The Job Readiness Program is a job skills training opportunity for adult participants in The Maui Farm’s Family Strengthening Program, to better prepare them for re-entry into the workforce.   The Job Readiness Program provides on-the-job skills training, coaching and supervision, and support for the achievement of personal employment goals.  


Participants work an average of 12 hours per week for three to six months and earn an hourly stipend that helps to support their families while they implement plans to obtain gainful full-time employment.  

Supervised Training Experiences Are Offered For:

  • Personal safety in the workplace,

  • Good work ethics

  • Day-to-day farm maintenance routines

  • How to create and maintain a clean and safe work environment

  • Sustainable agronomic practices (mulching, composting, fertilizing, etc.)

  • Animal husbandry

  • Nursery work

  • Verbal and written feedback on job readiness skills

  • Efficiency, timeliness and time management

  • Attitude, communication, and initiative 

Job Readiness Program lays a foundation for individuals in our residential programs to seek and obtain gainful employment.  Successful participants may document their training and work experiences at The Maui Farm on their professional resume and will receive an employment reference.


Eligibility Criteria

Adult participants or minors qualified under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) currently in the Family Strengthening Program who are unemployed or employed part-time at the time of admission are eligible to apply for the Job Readiness Program. 


The Job Readiness Program may also be offered to participants who experience a job loss or job reduction while living at The Maui Farm.

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